State Rep. David Ralston has been raising your taxes

Representative David Ralston hasn’t been truthful with voters.

Even though he campaigns as a Republican, he’s been raising taxes at the State Capitol in Atlanta for years.

As Speaker of the House, David Ralston is in a unique position to put a stop to tax hike bills simply by refusing to call them up for a vote.

Instead, David Ralston has been ushering tax hike after tax hike through the Georgia House of Representatives like nobody’s business.

In fact, David Ralston pushed for the largest tax increase in Georgia state history – TSPLOST1.

Thankfully, voters like you rejected that tax hike plan.

In times like these, the last thing Georgians need are higher taxes.

If T-SPLOST wasn’t bad enough, David Ralston helped raise taxes on used cars2.

Many Georgians can only afford used cars . . . David Ralston made it more expensive to buy one!

Is it any wonder that Georgia is rated the most expensive state to own a car?

To make matters even worse, David Ralston helped raise taxes again by rushing through the hospital bed tax bill3.

With Georgians having to pay more for health care because of Obamacare, David Ralston didn’t do us any favors by enacting the hospital bed tax hike.

David Ralston has a record –- a record of raising taxes.

We can’t afford more of David Ralston’ tax increases.

Please contact David Ralston and let him know that you are not happy about his tax hike votes … or his plans to raise taxes even more in 2014.

Rep. David Ralston

1 Georgia House Bill 277 (2009-2010)
2 Georgia House Bill 386 (2011-2012)
3 Georgia Senate Bill 24 (2013-2014)