State Rep. Mike Jacobs has been raising your taxes

Representative Mike Jacobs hasn’t been truthful with voters.

Even though he campaigns as a fiscal conservative, he’s been voting to raise taxes at the State Capitol in Atlanta for years.

Between 2009 and 2010, Mike Jacobs voted for the largest tax increase in Georgia state history – TSPLOST – 4 times!1,2,3,4

In times like these, the last thing Georgians need are higher taxes.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Mike Jacobs voted to raise taxes on used cars5.

Many Georgians can only afford used cars . . . Mike Jacobs voted to make it more expensive to buy one!

Is it any wonder that Georgia is rated the most expensive state to own a car?

To make matters even worse, Mike Jacobs voted to raise taxes again — the hospital bed tax6.

With Georgians having to pay more for health care because of Obamacare, Mike Jacobs didn’t do us any favors by voting for the hospital bed tax hike.

Mike Jacobs has a record –- a record of raising taxes.

We can’t afford more of Mike Jacobs’ tax increases.

[1] Georgia General Assembly, House Vote #102, March 2009
[2] Georgia General Assembly, House Vote #103, March 2009
[3] Georgia General Assembly, House Vote #332, March 2009
[4] Georgia General Assembly, House Vote #887, April 2010
[5] Georgia General Assembly, House Vote #719, March 2012
[6] Georgia General Assembly, House Vote #19, February 2013